Establishment of Marine Ornamental Fish Breeding Centre and Milk fish Hatchery
Construction works of the Marine Ornamental Fish Breeding Centre and Milk Fish Hatchery at Bangadeniya, Puttalam was ceremonially commenced on 10th March 2018 by Hon. Mahinda Amaraweera, Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development.
The objective of the establishment of Marine Ornamental Fish Breeding Centre is to make available tank bred marine ornamental fish for export market and increase product range of ornamental fish and enhance foreign exchange earnings. The estimated Project Cost – Rs. Mn 250
The objectives of the establishment of Milk Fish Hatchery is to provide high value milk fish fry for local farmers at a reasonable price for rearing as a tuna bait and for food fish This will reduce the , therefore save a large amount of foreign exchange, reduce the pressure on wild milk fish stocks which are collected for export, introduce new aquaculture development technology for rapid aquaculture development of Sri Lanka, increase export earnings through introducing new Sri Lankan aquaculture products to the world market and increase income and job opportunities for the local community. The estimated Project Cost – Rs. Mn 250